Slash load time
Trucking is an industry tied into time. Delivery time, load times, downtime, time on the road and off it. Anything that costs time, like congestion and repairs, is an issue. Anything that saves time gives you and your company an edge. With Pivotal Edge automated hatches, you can open, load and close, from ground level, with just the touch of a pneumatic button.
Stop climbing injuries
Truck driving - it's is a risky business. According to Safe Work Australia, around 5,000 workers comp claims are made per annum - that's an average of 14 claims per day. Traumatic joint and muscles injuries, sprains and strains accounted for 62% of all claims and resulted in about five weeks off work for many drivers.
Reduce costs & depot congestion
There's a lot of talk about working smarter; easy to say, but it's a whole lot harder to make it happen. Using clever products, which are built to last, and make tasks quicker and safer - now that's working smarter.
Slash load time
Stop climbing injuries
Reduce costs & depot congestion
Don't hang around, load without leaving the ground!
DIY install & service
Easy to retrofit
Robust & reliable
Spare parts & service
The new industry standard
Are you doing enough?
A study by Safe Work Australia found that truck driving is a risky business with

Are you doing enough?
A study by Safe Work Australia found that truck driving is a risky business with
Workers compensation claims each year
Claims per day
Of claims were due to joint & muscle injuries
How to improve productivity (with no catches, just hatches)
Some products have such clear benefits, we all wonder why they didn’t happen sooner – like automated hatches on tankers. Pivotal Edge have pioneered hatches that operate with the touch of a pneumatic button – from the ground. The benefits are so outstandingly obvious, you’ll wonder why you or your workers ever put up with manual hatches.
With Pivotal Edge automated hatches, you will:
• SLASH loading times
• PREVENT injuries associated with loading
• REDUCE congestion at depots
• IMPROVE your on-time deliveries
• INCREASE your tanker turnaround time
This product has proved so cost effective that it pays for itself in months!
Suitable for road and rail tankers supplying bulk products, these hatches are ideal for pressure vessels transporting products such as:
• cement, fly ash & slag
• hydrated lime
• grain and
• sand and mining concentrates
Robust and reliable, they are now commonly fitted on new tanker and can be retrofitted in just a few hour
“As a major parts and service supplier to companies such as Independent Cement, Cement Australia, Allied Pinnacle, Bulk Maritime Terminals, Boral, and most of their subcontractors and hauliers, we see first-hand what works and what doesn’t. The Pivotal Edge Auto Hatch works!”
Glen Arthur
(Managing Director) DDC Diesel Pty. Ltd, August 2018